Monday 20 April 2015

Beki vs the Floordrobe...

Some pretty things I found whilst organising my life.

Daffodils in HIghgate Village a couple of weeks ago... Spring is finally coming around... Time for a spring clean!! 
©Beki Cowey (2015)

I decided to start writing a blog to make time for doing something creative and giving things order. The problem is that life seems to soon overtake good intentions... Being busy is great but sometimes it pushes out the things that you want to do. Having a few days off work has meant that I can sit and reflect on that before the madness swings into full force again and I am wondering when I will get more than 4 hours of sleep a night and trying to remember what my name is.

I am, much to my partner's relief finishing arranging the floordrobe into some semblance of organisation. Actually right now I am not... I am online, here procrastinating but I'm looking at the piles of stuff and working out what goes where. Looking through my clothes (some of which have been buried for a considerable time) is like meeting up with old friends. There are memories there... I am a habitual collector of vintage clothes and an insatiable thrifter... sometimes it all gets a bit out of hand a looks like a dressing up box has vomited in the bedroom. 

Actually I stopped writing at this point and got on with tidying the room. It looks good now. Even as someone who likes a bit of chaos, I have to admit it looks good. It also gives me an appreciation of some of the pieces I have collected, and that I ought to take slightly better care of them than I sometimes do. 

Hanging around on the back of our bedroom door... A Missoni scarf I picked up nearly missing my flight in Milan airport, a vintage embroidered fringes scarf and a vintage silk kimono.
©Beki Cowey (2015)
A cover for all sins... I found this Victorian silk piano cover in a flea market, it now hangs over the clothes rail in the bedroom masking some of the chaos. Sometimes I wear it as a shawl to go for drinks on a warm summer evening, or as an oversized scarf with a black furry coat in the middle of winter.
©Beki Cowey (2015)

I love the "Fashion in Detail" books and after looking closely at so many of the things I own I decided to post up on here some close-ups of the embellishment on pieces I have collected, and some of the pretty textiles in my collection. 

I am a sucker for anything that reminds me of a peacock, and I've had this lovely Kameez / kurta for years. I bought a bunch of these secondhand back when I was studying fashion design, the rest got converted into 60's style shift dresses and sold but I loved this one too much to part with. It's a little battered and beaten up now, I had to look hard for a flower with all the pearls intact! This has been worn everywhere from gigs to drinks receptions at the V&A.
©Beki Cowey (2015)
Embroidery on a skirt/scarf set I picked up in a charity shop recently. I got it thinking it might make a good project to convert into something, I was drawn in by the fabric, again in a vibrant peacocky green. I tried it on though and decided to keep it as it is... For now any way!
©Beki Cowey (2015)

Vintage Indian-made hippy dress (part1). I love this Little embroidered elephant!! I found this dress on a little vintage stall at a music festival a couple of years ago and it's the perfect loose lazy summer dress.
©Beki Cowey (2015)

And a little stylised peacock! I love the naivety of the animals on this dress. The other thing I love about this one is the tones the fabric has taken as it has faded over time.
©Beki Cowey (2015)
This beaded patchwork jacket is another favourite. I love the different, contrasting textures and colours. But still broken colours so although bright it isn't too gaudy.
©Beki Cowey (2015)
You would think from the things in this post that I'm a super colourful dresser but I wear mostly black (and animal print, but that's another story for another post!). This is the back of another beaded jacket, this time a vintage 80's one. I love the way the petrol tone is set off with the copper and silver beads.
©Beki Cowey (2015)
I've still not found the courage (or the outfit) to wear out this vintage handmade gypsy shirt. It's much brighter than I would normally wear but it has such a great look for summer, maybe I will have to get it figured out soon!©Beki Cowey (2015)
It is one of my boyfriend's old stage shirts, I have raided a few cool things from his wardrobe. Here is a pic of him I think LA in the 80's wearing the shirt to play a show.

That's enough for now... I'm sat at the desk looking out over London like a puppy with it's face squished in a pet shop window... Time for me to go and enjoy this lovely spring day whilst I have the chance!! 

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